


In the era of the prosperity of technology, endless cartoons and the same endless tapes in social networks, both children and parents began to forget about simple communication, looking into each other’s eyes, and not into the screen of a TV, tablet or smartphone. Games for children are not only a great way to spend family time, but also an opportunity to develop thinking, memory, logic, and reaction speed. We have collected the best children’s games that will captivate the whole family and give a charge of cheerfulness and positivity for a long time.



Entertainment games for children have many advantages: they bring together all family members who participate in the process, allow you to spend time richly and excitingly, without gadgets and TV. When you are going to spend time together, blowing the dust off the checkers box or the long-forgotten “Monopoly”, remember some nuances:

Try not to prompt the child . Make an exception to the rules only if he does not yet know the rules. Let him learn to make mistakes and draw conclusions. Undoubtedly, you know more, but let the baby show independence.

Do not give in, you must be equal. Therefore, it is worth choosing interesting games for children, where the process does not require encyclopedic knowledge or vast experience, and the rules are simple and understandable for everyone.

It is necessary to play only with pleasure, receiving pleasant emotions. If you notice that the children do not like the game or they are bored, it is better to switch to another one: it is definitely not worth forcing anyone to have fun.


What kind of games are played in confined spaces? When inventing entertainment, take into account the possibilities of the apartment or house and the age of the child. Excessive noise should not be made late at night, and too primitive games are unlikely to be appreciated by an older schoolboy. Therefore, take turns, experiment and you will definitely pick up exactly those family games that will captivate everyone and just spend time with children without a computer.

1. LET’S GO!

Suitable for age: 5-8 years.

Invite the child to imagine himself as a car driving down a dark road. To do this, put a few chairs or other objects, give the child a steering wheel or its round substitute and close your eyes. You are the navigator, the baby is the machine, turn on and go! Try to change places so that the child also tries on the role of assistant.


Suitable for age: 5-15 years.

This children’s game will require a balloon and some dexterity. Task: move the ball from one end of the room/corridor to the other without touching hands and without letting it fall. Let the children show ingenuity: you can blow on the ball, push it with your nose, chin, knees. If there are two children, organize a competition: who will bring the ball to the finish line faster. For older participants, the task can be made more difficult by building a path or placing small obstacles to go around.


Suitable for age: 3-5 years.

The role of shores can be performed by ropes, ribbons or two pieces of rope, placed at a distance of one and a half to two meters from each other. Cut out circles from paper that will replace pebbles. Offer the baby to “move” from one bank to the other, stepping on stones without “wetting” his feet. The game is simple, but well develops the coordination of movements in children.


Suitable for ages: 5-13 years.


In the conditions of the apartment, entertaining games for children with a ball are not very convenient, but if it is replaced with small foil balls, and the basket is built from a children’s bucket or a cut five-liter bottle, then quite decent basketball will turn out. The competition can be complicated: throw alternately with the left and right hand, count who will have more hits per minute, vary the distance from the player to the basket.


Suitable for age: 5-10 years.

The good old “jumper” is definitely worth remembering and setting up a game even within the confines of an apartment or house. With construction tape, “draw” a classic on the carpet, a round box made of lollipops can be used as a “bat”. The main thing is to remember the neighbors from below and try not to disturb their peace in the evening.

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