



Games for companies means group games. To make your vacation more fun and interesting, we offer a few cool games that will help you laugh a lot, practice your twists once again and learn a lot about each other.


All participants come up with ten words, write them on pieces of paper and put them in their hats. And then the most interesting begins: the players take turns trying to explain, show or draw the words they came across, and everyone else tries to guess them for a limited amount of time. The most successful get victory points, respect, fame and a medal around their neck. This the best games for a companies.


Everyone sits in a circle, and someone says any word in the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say in the ear of the next person his first association with this word, the second says to the third, and so on, in a chain, until the word returns to the first . If you got a “stripper” from the “elephant” – consider that the game was successful.

Get to know me

Several men sit down in a row. The presenter must, blindfolded, recognize the person in question from the people sitting. Moreover, you can guess by different parts of the body, for example, by hand, legs, hair, depending on how far the host can go.


A tower is built from even wooden blocks, and the stacking direction alternates at each level. Then the players take turns carefully pulling out one bar at a time and placing it on top of the tower. You need to do all this very carefully, otherwise the tower will fall. The player whose actions caused the collapse is considered defeated.


This is a popular game in which, with the help of gestures, movements and facial expressions, the participants show the puzzled word, and other players try to guess it. The presenter is forbidden to say any words or make sounds, use or point to surrounding objects, show letters or parts of words. The lucky person who guesses what it is about, in the next round, represents the word himself, but already a different one.


One presenter is chosen, and all the others stand in a very tight circle – literally side by side. Players’ hands should be behind their backs. The essence of the game is to imperceptibly pass the cucumber behind the leader’s back and bite off a piece at every convenient opportunity. And the host’s task is to guess in whose hands the cucumber is. If the presenter guessed, then the player caught by him takes his place. The game continues until the cucumber is eaten. It’s a lot of fun!


The presenter guesses a word and tells the other players the first letter of the word. For example, the first letter “K” is the word catastrophe. Each of the remaining players comes up with a word that begins with that letter and tries to explain to the others what exactly he is up to without naming it. If one of the players understood which word was intended by the one who explained, then he says “There is contact!” If the word matched, then the presenter calls the second letter of the word, and the game continues, only now you need to come up with and explain the word with the already given initial letters. If the word did not match, either the players continue to try to invent and explain a new word.


Games For Companies

Good old detective fun. Danetka is a word game, a confusing or strange story, part of which the presenter tells, and the others must restore the sequence of events. You can only ask questions that can be answered with “Yes”, “No” or “Not important”, hence the name of the game. Here you can find interesting “data”.

I have never…

With the help of this game you can get to know people better. Chips in this game are any objects such as coins, toothpicks and so on. The game begins like this: the first participant says something he has never done in his life (“I never…”). All other players who did this must give one chip to this player. The one who has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Keeper of secrets

A very exciting and extremely mind-blowing game. The presenter guesses a phrase, slogan or quote known to all participants. Names the number of words in it. Then the players ask the “keeper” any questions. Each answer must contain a word from the puzzled phrase. The answer should be contained in one sentence. Analyzing the presenter’s answers, the players give their version of the “mystery”.


A good old children’s game. The players collect one item of any kind, which are put into a bag. One player is blindfolded. The presenter pulls things out one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled thing, the owner of which must complete it. Tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance or go for a walk with someone.

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